Jenis Koleksi : Buku Klasik (1806)

 Jenis Koleksi : Buku Klasik (1806)

Raden Ngabehi Harja Saputra, author
BKL.0558-IS 52
Kediri: Tan Khoen Swie, 1927
Ki Sangubrangta, author
BKL.0553-SJ 22
Mataram: Taman Siswa, 1934
BKL.0551-PW 110
Surakarta: Cahya, [date of publication not identified]
BKL.0549-IS 54
Yogyakarta: Pangerah Egeng Mukammadiyah, 1864
Raden Ngabehi Harja Saputra, author
BKL.0548-PR 38
Kediri: Tan Khoen Swie, 1928
Siswa Harsaya, author
BKL.0547-JR 13
[Place of publication not identified]: [publisher not identified], 1936
Bertsch, L.G., author
BKL.0546-BA 38
Weltevreden: Albercht, 1919
Helsdingen-Schoevers, B. van, author
BKL.0545-SS 18
Weltevreden: Bale Pustaka, 1925
Keizer, W., author
BKL.0543-LL 62
[Place of publication not identified]: Rijswijk-Blankwaardt&Schoonttoven, [date of publication not identified]
Sultan Hamengku Buwana VIII, author
BKL.0544-LL 63
Yogyakarta: Mardi Mulya, [date of publication not identified]