Jenis Koleksi : Buku Referensi (13775)
R 625.85 ASP a
Maryland: The Asphalt Institute, 1965
R 621.384 PRA
London: George Newnes Limited, 1960
R 621.384 PRA
London: George Newnes Limited, 1960
Camm, F. J., author
R 621.384 PRA
London: George Newnes Limited, 1960
R 625.85 ASP a
Maryland: The Asphalt Institute, 1983
Freeman, Roger L., author
R 621.38 FRE r
New York: Wiley, 1985
R 621.384 AME
[Place of publication not identified]: American Radio Relay League, 1969
R 621.381502 AMP
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966
R 625.85 ASP a
Maryland: Asphalt Institute, 1979
R 621.381.5 HAN
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970