Artikel Jurnal :: Kembali

Artikel Jurnal :: Kembali

Double blind, placebo-controlled trial of Tranexamic acid on recent internal hemorrhoid bleeding

by A. Aziz Rani (Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2002)


Telah dilakukan penelitian samar ganda acak untuk menilai manfaat pemberian Asam Traneksamat pada 54 penderita hemoroid interna yang baru berdarah. Umur, kelamin, berat badan, tinggi badan, beratnya hemoroid serta lamanya onset perdarahan telah dibuat sebanding pada kedua kelompok. Efek hemostatik berupa berhentinya perdarahan didapatkan pada 100% (23/23) kelompok Asam Traneksamat pada hemoroid grade 2 sementara hanya 78.26% (18/23) pada kelompok plasebo. Setelah obsevasi 3 hari perdarahan berhenti lebih awal pada kelompok Asam Traneksamat dan secara statistik bermakna. Sejak hari ke empat kedua kelompok berbeda dalam hal perdarahan ulang. Pada kelompok plasebo rerata median perdarahan ulang setelah 36 hari, sementara kelompok Asam Traneksamat tidak pernah mencapai nilai median tertentu sampai akhir observasi. Kesimpulan: Asam Traneksamat efektif untuk menghentikan perdarahan pada hemoroid berdarah, dan mencegah perdarahan ulang.

Double blind randomized placebo controlled trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Tranexamic acid in 54 patients with recent hemorrhoid bleeding. Age, gender, body weight, height, grade of hemorrhoid, time of onset of recent bleeding were comparable between two groups. Analysis of haemostatic effect or stop bleeding as an immediate outcome of this study revealed that in the grade 2 patients, 23/23 (100%) of tranexamic group and 18/23(78.26%) of placebo group the bleeding stop. After 3 days of observation, there was statistically significant different for the rate of stop bleeding as well as at the end of observation. Bleeding stop earlier in the Tranexamic group with median 4 days (3-5 days), compare to placebo, median 11(9.55-12.45). Analysis of recurrent bleeding as an outcome of this study revealed that in the placebo group 9/18(50%) of grade 2 patients and all grade 3 (100%)patients suffered from recurrent bleeding. Since the days 4, both group have significant different time for recurrent bleeding and at the end of observation, cumulative probability of free of bleeding between two groups significantly different. Median still stop bleeding in the placebo group was 36 days, and the tranexamic group never reaches the median until the end of observation. Conclusion: tranexamic acid was an effective drug to stop recent hemorrhoid bleeding and prevent further recurrent bleeding, significantly better than placebo.

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Jenis Koleksi : Artikel Jurnal
No. Panggil : MJIN-11-4-OctDec2002-215
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2002
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI eng rda
Majalah/Jurnal : Medical Journal of Indonesia
Volume : 11 (4) October December 2002: 215-221
Tipe Konten :
Tipe Media :
Tipe Carrier :
Akses Elektronik :
Institusi Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi :
  • Ketersediaan
  • Ulasan
  • Sampul
No. Panggil No. Barkod Ketersediaan
MJIN-11-4-OctDec2002-215 03-19-560232925 TERSEDIA
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