Seorang ibu primigravida berumur 20 tahun hamil 38 minggu dengan komplikasi tumor uterus intraligamenter kiri yang besar dan padat. Operasi dimulai dengan seksio sesarea untuk melahirkan bayi. Diberikan uterotonika intramural dan kontraksi uterus baik; diberikan infus oksitosin intra dan postoperatif selama 24 jam. Teknik jahitan ?double circle? dilakukan pada bagian lateral mioma sebelum miomektomi. Tidak diberikan transfusi darah. Histopatologinya adalah leiomioma. Pasien tersebut pulang dalam keadaan sehat 4 hari setelah operasi. (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 66-8)
A 20-year-old primigravida with 38th weeks of gestation complicated with a left large solid intraligamentous uterine tumor. The operation started with lower segment cesarean section to delivere the fetus. Intramural uterotonica was given and the uterus contracted well; intra- and up to 24 hours post-operatively oxytocin infusion was administered. Double circle stitching technique was performed on lateral side of the mioma before starting myomectomy. No blood transfusion was given. The histopatological report was leiomyoma. She was discharged in healthy condition 4 days post-operatively. (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 66-8)