Latar belakang : Stroke masih merupakan penyebab kematian ketiga setelah penyakit jantung koroner dan kanker. Kematian karena perdarahan intraserebral dalam 7 hari pertama masih tinggi. Banyak faktor yang berpengaruh dan dapat dilakukan intervensi pada perawatan khusus.
Tujuan : Mengetahui faktor faktor prognostik kematian dini di RSUD R Syamsudin SH Sukabumi.
Bahan dan Cara : Pasien yang ikut penelitian ini adalah pasien stroke dengan perdarahan intraserebral yang dirawat di RSUD R Syamsudin SH yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi sejak 1 Januari 2005 sampai 30 Juni 2006.
Metode : Penelitian kohort prospektif dan dianalisis dengan analisis survival.
Hasil : Dari 117 pasien perdarahan intra serebral didapatkan kematian dini sebanyak 26,5%. Variabel yang sangat berpengaruh sebagai faktor prognosis kematian dini perdarahan intraserebral adalah gangguan kesadaran HR= 4,31 Interval Kepercayaan (2,0-9,19) p{1,000 sedangkan volume perdarahan HR=5,3 Interval Kepercayaan (2,34-11,9) p=0,000 serta kadar gula darah HR= 2,15 Interval Kepercayaan (0,99-4,65) p=0,051.
Kesimpulan : Kematian karena perdarahan intra serebral masih cukup tinggi yaitu 26,5%. Perlu penanganan segera faktor yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap terjadinya kematian dini yaitu gangguan kesadaran, gula darah, dan volume perdarahan sehingga dapat menurunkan angka kematian.
Background: Stroke is still known as the third leading cause of death after coronary heart disease and cancer. Death due to intra-cerebral hemorrhage in the first 7 days is having high rote. Many factors are able to influence the incidence, although it can he inter vent through special care.Objectives: To find out prognostic factors on early death due to infra-cerebral hemorrhage at the District General Hospital of R. Syanisudin SH (DGH-RS) at Kota Sukabumi.Objects and Technique: Respondents involved in the study are stroke patients that suffer with infra-cerebral hemorrhage. The patients are being treatment at the DGH-RS and have fulfilled the inclusion criteria of the study, from 1st `January 2005 until 30rd June 2006.Method: The study is a prospective cohort study and is analyzed by using survival analysis.Results: Of 117 patients with intro-cerebral hemorrhage, an early death has occurred at 26.5%. The most influence variables, as prognostic factor to early death of infra-cerebral hemorrhage, are: consciousness disorders HR= 4.31 Confidence interval (2.0 - 9.19) p= 0.000, blood depletion volume HR= 5.3 Confidence interval (2.34 - 11.9) p= 0.000, and blood sugar level l-IR= 2.15 Confidence Interval (0.9[9 - 4.65) p= 0.051.Conclusion: The rate of death as a result of infra-cerebral is still high, i.e. 26.5%, There is an urgent need on controlling those factors affected the incidence of early death, namely consciousness disorders, blood sugar, and blood depiction volume, in order to decrease the death rate.