This study is aimed at reviewing the Bureaucracy Concept of Weber that influencing the Performance of Regional Tax Office XVII DTP. This study belongs to causal research, where dependent variable ( Y ) relates or is influenced by independent variable ( X ). The research population is the whole of employees of Regional Tax office XVII DTP, totally 922 people. From the population, chosen the research samples about 100 people, approximately 10 % -15 % from total population, based on Slovin and Arikunto Argument. In this research applied or used the Cluster Sampling as the Sampling Techniques. The data gathering method applied is by Questionnaire distribution, which has been well proven for its validity and reliability. The collected data then analyzed by using statistical parametric analysis ( correlation coefficient, determination coefficient, regression, and t-Test ).
From the result of statistical parametric analysis, it's found that the concept of Bureaucracy has a significant and positive influence toward the Performance of Regional Tax Office XVII DTP. Based on the result 'of the research, we can conclude that there is a significant and positive influence between Weber's concept of Bureaucracy and Performance Concept. Especially, concept of Bureaucracy has a significant and positive influence toward the Performance of Regional Tax Office XVII DTP. We also suggest that the leader of Regional Tax Office XVII DTP has to give a wider authority based on hierarchical system and to be more impersonality to all employees. So, there are no different treatments for the implementation of the rules between all officials.