Latar Belakang. Salah satu terapi standar hepatitis C kronik adalah terapi kombinasi interferon alfa (IFN) dan ribavirin (RIB). Namun terapi kombinasi tersebut dapat menimbulkan efek samping anemia. Anemia menyebabkan dosis ribavirin harus diturunkan atau dihentikan sementara yang mengakibatkan penurunan keberhasilan terapi hepatitis C kronik. Oleh karena itu perlu diketahui prevalensi dan faktor risiko anemia pada pasien yang menjalani terapi kombinasi agar anemia dapat diantipasi dan diawasi lebih cermat pada pasien dengan faktor risiko tersebut. Penelitian semacam ini belum pernah dipublikasi di Indonesia.
Tujuan. Mengetahui prevalensi dan faktor risiko terjadinya anemia pada pasien hepatitis C kronik yang menjalani terapi interferon alfa dan ribavirin serta mengetahui frekuensi pasien anemia yang mengalami penurunan dan penghentian ribavirin.
Metodologi. Pasien hepatitis C kronik yang mendapat pengobatan berupa terapi kombinasi interferon alfa-ribavirin oleh staf divisi Hepatologi FKUIIRSCM diikutsertakan dalam penelitian. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik dan pemeriksaan darah tepi pada minggu ke 8 terapi kombinasi. Penelitian menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan variabel yang diteliti adalah umur, jenis kelamin, genotip, dosis ribavirin dan, kadar hemoglobin awal terapi.
Hasil. Enam puluh satu subyek penelitian terdiri dari pria 47 (77%), wanita 14 (23%) dan usia rerata 38,9 tahun, 23 (71,9 %) subyek mempunyai genotip 1 dan 4, dan 44 (72,1 %) subyek mendapat dosis ribavirin 1000 mg. Prevalensi anemia sebesar 52,5 % (32 subyek). Dari analisis multivariat hanya kadar hemoglobin awal terapi yang rendah yang berhubungan bermakna dengan anemia.. Jumlah pasien anemia yang mengalami penurunan dosis ribavirin adalah 8 dari 32 pasien anemia.
Kesimpulan. Prevalensi anemia pada terapi kombinasi 52,5 %. Kadar hemoglobin awal terapi < 14 gldl merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya anemia sehingga pengawasan lebih ketat dan intervensi terhadap anemia dapat dilakukan pada pasien dengan faktor risiko tersebut. Meskipun umur ? 50 tahun, dan wanita belum terbukti sebagai faktor risiko anemia namun harus tetap menjadi perhatian. Delapan subyek (25 %) Ban 32 pasien anemia memerlukan penurunan dosis ribavirin dan tidak ada yang mengalami penghentian ribavirin.
Background. Interferon alfa and ribavirin combination therapy is one of effective standard therapy for chronic hepatitis C. However, anemia is a common side effect of this therapy. Therefore, patients have to reduce or discontinue ribavirin therapy and this can reduce the effectivity of the therapy. Hence, it is important to know the prevalence of anemia and to determine the factors associated with anemia.Objective. To determine the prevalence of anemia and some risk factors associated with anemia caused by combination therapy in chronic hepatitis C, also to know frequencies of anemia patients who received dose reduction or discontinuation ribavirin therapy.Method. Sixty one patient of chronic hepatitis C received combination therapy from staff of Hepatology Division FKUIfRSCM were included in the study. Data were obtained by anamnesis, physical examination, and measured complete blood count on 8`h week of therapy. This study was conducted by using cross sectional design.Result. Subjects were 47 males (77%), females 14 (23%) with mean age 38.9 years. Twenty three subjects had genotype 1 and 4 (71.9%) and 44 subject (72.1) received 1000 mg ribavirin. Prevalence of anemia was found to be 52.5 % (32 subjects). It was concluded that risk factors of anemia are: age > 50 years, females, low pretreatment hemoglobin concentration (<14 gldl) were risk factors of anemia. On multivariate analysis only pretreatment hemoglobin concentration < 14 g/dl was determined to be the risk factor of anemia There were 8 subjects from 32 anemia patients had ribavirin reduction, and no patient had discontinuation treatment on Bch week of therapy.Conclusion. Prevalence anemia was 52,5 % and pretreatment hemoglobin concentration <14 gldl were found to be the risk factors of anemia. Although age > 50 years and female were not yet found to be risk factors of anemia, we should be careful of these risk factors. Therefore patient with these risk factors should be carefully monitored and intervention to prevent anemia should be considered. Eight subjects from 32 anemia patients had ribavirin reduction, and no patient had discontinuation treatment on 8`h week of therapy.