This thesis aimed to test and detemtine the relation between motivator and hygiene factors to work satisfaction of employees Directorate General Administration of General Law, Department of Law and Human Rights, Republic of Indonesia. Problem posed in this thesis is the nonexistence of similar perception and certainty on what factors causing work satisfaction of employees. ln order to study this problem. a research combining literature study and questioners posed to 111 respondents out of the population of 371 people using simple random sampling.
Data analyzed using SPSS for windows by Spearman Rank correlation method. According to Frederick Her1Jaerg's opinion which senred as the major theory In this thesis. factors causing work satisfaction are motivator and hygiene factors. Hence in the theoretical framework, a hypothesis is fonned that there is a positive and signihcant relation between existing factors towards work satisfaction. From data analysis' result, it shown that there is a retatlon between these factors to work satisfaction. lt can be concluded that sig nificant and strong relation toward work satisfaction is motivator factor which comprised of achievement, acknowledgement, responsibility, improvement and the work factor itself. While the hygiene factor that has positive and signilicant relation to work satisfaction comprised of salary, work safety, work condition, status, policy and supervision quality factors.
These can be seen from the score of coefficient correlation and level of significance of each factors above, which are less than 5%. This means there ls a positive and significant relation between the independent variable and the dependent variable, where Ho can be rejected and Ha accepted. lt is recommended that related institution to perfonn improvement and change factors which can lower work satisfaction into factors which can enhanced work satisfaction of employees.