ABSTRAKPenyusunan program kegiatan di lingkungan Biro Perencanaan Departemen Hukum dan HAM dewasa ini dirasakan masih sangat belum optimal disebabkan adanya hambatan-hambatan yang mempengaruhi proses penyusunan kegiatan tersebut. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu strategi yang dapat mengatasi permasalahan yang terdapat di Ingkungan Biro Perencanaan dalam hal penyusunan kegiatan. Strategi penyusunan program kegiatan tersebut harus mengacu pada langkah-langkah perumusan strategi setts mempertimbangkan siklus perencanaan yang digunakan.
Penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan metode pendekatan kuantitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini yaitu para pejabat struktural yang telah bekerja di lingkungan perencana selama 5 (lima) tahun terakhir. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dan kuesioner dengan metode observasi dan melalui studi kepustakaan (library research).
Dari hasil mekanisme pelaksanaan kegiatan penyusunan program yang selama ini dilaksanakan, bahwa melalui pendekatan sildus perencanaan dari Jones, ditemukan bahwa proses perencanaan operasional, penganggaran, pengendalian, dan pelaporan analisis belum dilaksanakan secara tepat. Kebijakan Pimpinan tertinggi di setiap Bagian dalam penyusunan program kegiatan merupakan keputusan yang paling menetukan dalam proses penyusunan kegiatan.
Dalam mengukur sejauh mana faktor yang mempengaruhi proses penyusunan program kegiatan di lingkungan Biro Perencanaan, maka melalui metode SWOT penuiis mencoba mengukur faktor-faktor internal dan ekstemal yang selama ini mempengaruhi proses penyusunan program kegiatan di lingkungan Biro Perencanaan. Hasil dad analisa SWOT tersebut menghasilkan perumusan strategi yang menjadi prioritas untuk menghadapi faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal tersebut.
Nowadays, the compiling of activity program in the Planning Bureau environment of Law & Human Rights Department still hasn't been felt optimal due to the obstacles which affect the process of compiling the activity. Therefore, a strategy that able to solve the problem which occurred in the Planning Bureau environment in the case of compiling activity will be needed. The strategy of compiling activity program should refer to the steps of strategy abbreviation and consider the planning cycle that is used.The research method that been used is descriptive with the approach of quantitative method. The data sources in this research are the structure functionaries who have been worked in Planning Authority environment for these past five years. The data have been collected by interview and questionnaire with observation method and library research.According to the outcome of activity implementation mechanism of compiling program which has been implemented, that through the planning cycle of Jones's approach, discovered that the operational planning process, budgeting, controlling, and analysis report haven't been done properly. Policy of the Highest Functionary on every Division in compiling activity program is the most determine decision in the process of activity compiling.In measuring how far the factors are affecting the process of compiling activity program in Planning Bureau, therefore through the SWOT method, the writer is trying to measure the internal and external factors which have affected the process of compiling activity program in Planning Bureau environment. The result of SWOT analysis has produced the strategy abbreviation which became the priority to face those internal and external factors.