Tesis ini meneliti pengaruh usia, tingkat ekonomi, peran kelompok referensi dalam pemilihan produk investasi dan komitmen beragama terhadap minat investor individu berinvestasi di Reksa Dana Syariah. Manfaatnya dapat memberi kontribusi bagi strategi pemasaran produk Reksa Dana Syariah agar lebih tepat sasaran. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan e-mail survey, menggunakan analisis Multinomial Logit.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelompok responden yang berusia > 40 tahun, dengan tingkat ekonomi menengah atas, dan dipengaruhi orang lain dalam menentukan instrument investasi, peluang berminat berinvestasi di Reksa Dana Syariah sangat besar, 663,149 kali peluang tidak berminat. Sedangkan variabel komitmen beragama bukan merupakan faktor yang berkorelasi secara signifikan.
This research is aimed to identify the influence of age, economic level, role of reference groups in selecting investment product and religion commitment to individual?s interest to make investment in Islamic mutual funds. The benefit of this research is to give contribution to Islamic mutual funds product marketing strategy in order to reach more rightful target. This thesis is a quantitative research using e-mail survey and Multinomial Logit Analysis.
The result shows that a group of respondents over 40 years old, belong to middle to upper economic level, and be influenced by others in selecting instrument of investment, have a great probability to invest in Islamic mutual funds. The probability of the interested group is 663,149 times than the uninterested one. Whereas the religion commitment variable does not involve in the factors that are significantly correlated.