Stroke adalah suatu sindrom klinis akibat gangguan aliran dara menuju otak, timbul mendadak yang biasanya mengenai penederita berusia 45-80 tahun. Menurut penyebabnya stroke dibagi dua yaitu bemoragik akibat pecahnya oembuluh darah otak dan stroke non hemoragik akibatanya adanya thrombus atau embolus pada pembuluh darah otak. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah tidak ada hubungan antara kepatuhan penderita stroke dalam mendhindari resiko yang dapat diubah dengan kejadian stroke berulang
Stroke is a clinical syndrome due to disruption of blood flow to the brain, arising suddenly which usually affects patients aged 45-80 years. According to the cause, stroke is divided into two, namely hemorrhagic stroke due to rupture of a blood vessel in the brain and non-hemorrhagic stroke due to a thrombus or embolus in a cerebral blood vessel. The conclusion of this study is that there is no relationship between the compliance of stroke patients in avoiding modifiable risks and the incidence of recurrent stroke.