Obesity is performed by genetic, environmental, and complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors.
Fatness levels in obese children are indicative of increased risk for elevated blood pressure, cholesterol, and lipoprotein
ratios children and adolescents. Serum cholesterol and blood pressure are related to raise atherosclerotic lesion. Certain
cardiovascular disease risk factors in obese children are related to the earliest stages of atherosclerosis disease. Obese
children have the high risk factors of certain cardiovascular disease. Genetic factors affecting metabolic rate can be
successfully managed by the introduction of environmental factors such as decrease caloric intake and increase physical
activity. The treatment of obesity and of atherosclerotic patients should include dietary restriction (protein sparing
modified fast and hypocaloric balanced diet), nutrition education, increased physical activity, behavior modification, and
familial support. Success fully management of obesity can improve the quality of life and reduce the risk of morbidity
and mortality associated with obesity.