Studi tentang pengaruh anil termal terhadap besaran optis dan disorder lapisan tipis amorf silikon karbon terhidrogenasi (a-SiC:H) telah dilakukan. Lapisan tipis dihasilkan dengan teknik deposisi sputtering menggunakan target grafit dan wafer silikon yang dilakukan dalam campuran gas argon dan hidrogen, kemudian dikarakterisasi dengan spektroskopi uv-vis (ultra violet-visible) sebelum dan setelah diberikan perlakuan anil termal. Indeks bias n dan koefisien absorpsi α diperoleh dari hasil pengukuran transmitansi. Gap optis memperlihatkan sedikit variasi terhadap temperatur anil, yakni meningkat dengan bertambahnya temperatur anil sampai 500 °C. Kenaikan temperatur anil menyebabkan densitas lapisan tipis berkurang dan demikianpula disorder jaringan amorfnya. Hasil eksperimen akan didiskusikan dalam hubungannya dengan kondisi deposisi dan hasil eksperimen lain.
The Effect of Thermal Annealing on the Optical Properties of a-SiC:H Films Produced by DC Sputtering Methods: I. Graphite Target Case. A study of the annealing effect on optical properties and disorder of hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbon (a-SiC:H) films was undertaken. The films were prepared by sputtering technique using graphite target and silicon wafer in argon and hydrogen gas mixture, and then characterized by uv-vis (ultra violet-visible) spectroscopy before and after annealing. Index of refraction n and absorption coefficient α of films have been determined from measurements of transmittance. The optical gap show small variation with annealing temperature, increasing with increasing annealing temperature up to 500 °C. An increase of annealing temperature leads to reduced film density and the amorphous network disorder. The experimental results are discussed in terms of deposition condition and compared to other experimental results.