Eksperimen untuk mengamati karakteristik fluoresensi Chlorella spp. dengan menggunakan laser Nitrogen yang memiliki stabilitas dan frekuensi repetisi tinggi (energi 5 mJ, durasi pulsa 5 ns) telah dilakukan. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan untuk rentang konsentrasi 2.625 sel/ml hingga 2.769.000 sel/ml, intensitas fluoresensi pada λ = 687 dan konsentrasi sel memiliki hubungan linier. Juga ditunjukkan pada kultur Chlorella spp usia 7 hari, variasi pH pada awal kultur berpengaruh terhadap konsentrasi sel yang dihasilkan.
The Study on Fluorescence Characteristics of Chlorella spp: pH Influence on Culture. Experiments for measuring the fluorescence characteristics of Chlorella spp. by using high stability and high repetition rate nitrogen laser of energy 5 mJ with pulse duration of 5 ns have been carried out. The results show that for a cell concentration range from 2,625 cells/ml up to 2,769,000 cells/ml, the fluorescence intensities at pada λ = 687 nm have a linear relationship with the cell concentration. It has been also found that for a 7 days old chlorella culture, the pH variation at the starting culture influenced the cell concentration.