Tesis ini menganalisis Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) melalui pengukuran elemen-elemen pembentuk brand equity (brand loyalty, perceived quality, dan brand image) di industri surat kabar yaitu Harian ekonomi dan bisnis, Bisnis Indonesia. Penelitian juga menganalisis korelasi antara Unique Selling Proposition di surat kabar dan loyalitas pembaca serta seberapa signifikan kontribusi komunikasi pemasaran terhadap penciptaan Top of Mind. Tesis ini adalah penelitan eksploratif dan deskriptif. Karya akhir ini menyarankan perlunya upaya membangun brand equity secara terintegrasi melalui program Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC).
This thesis is emphasized on CBBE through the measurement of the configuration elements of brand equity (brand loyalty, perceived quality and brand image) in newspaper industry involved Bisnis Indonesia, the economic and business newspaper as case study. The research also conceives correlation between unique selling proposition at the newspaper and readers' loyalty moreover how significant marketing communication influence in creating the top of mind. This thesis is conducted in explorative and descriptive research. Hence it suggests strong endeavors to improve the integrated brand equity through the integrated marketing communication (IMC) program.