perjanjian kredit sindikasi dalam hal pelunasan kredit atau pembayaran kembali hutang debitur. Proses pembangunan ini tidak terlepas dari proses pengadaan tanah yang kerap mengalami kendala mengenai ketidak sepakatan masyarakat pemegang hak atas tanah dengan pihak yang memerlukan tanah akan besar nilai ganti rugi yang diberikan, sehingga menghambat proses pembangunan yang juga mempengaruhi pelaksanaan perjanjian kredit sindikasi terkait dengan pelunasan kreditnya. Hasil penelitian ini menyebutkan bahwa memang terdapat kaitan antara kendala pengadaan tanah dengan pelaksanaan kredit sindikasi yang mengakibatkan debitur wanprestasi.
This thesis describes the relation between the constraints of land acquisition and syndicated loan agreement in terms of credit settlement by the debtor. A development process is related to the land factor and its acquisition process which often experience a constraint with the land owner regarding the disagreement on the amount of given compensation. This matter will impede the development process which will also effect the syndicated loan agreement in terms of the credit settlement. The result if this research positively shows that there is a relation between the constraint of land acquisition and the syndicated loan that may cause the debtor to breach the syndicated loan agreement. . Key Words : Highways, Syndicated Loan, Land Procurement Constraints.