Waktu penyelesaiana proyek merupakan faktor yang sangatlah penting, baik dari sudut pandang pemilik proyek atau dari sudut pandang kontraktor, annya.
Dalam penelitian ini, penulis akan melakukan pengamatan tentang faktor-faktor apa saja dalam proses pengadaan yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja waktu, bagaimana hubungan faktor-faktor tersebut dengan kinerja waktu, dan membuktikan bahwa faktor-faktor yang paling berpengaruh untuk meningkatkan kinerja waktu dalam proses pengadaan tersebut terjadi di subyek penelitian. Metode penelitian yang akan digunakan adalah dengan melakukan pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder serta melakukan analisa statistik terhadap data-data yang ada.
Project time completion is an important factors in the project owner point of view and the contractor as well. Delay of project time completion will decreasing potential sales and profit for project owner. Meanwhile, for contractor, it will increasing costs which is consist of project completion extention such as labour cost, equipment, and other direct and indirect costs. Material and equipment cost is a major part of project, almost 50% to 60% of total cost of project, hence it is make sense if the project management focus on its procurement process.This research was carried out to make such observation to find out what are the factors having and an effect in procurement process to time performance, how is correlation of these factors to time performance, and to prove that these factors are exist in research subject. Research methodology to be used is by collecting primery and sccondary datas and then carry out statistical analysis to the collected datas.