Skripsi ini meneliti kinerja petugas administrasi Puskesmas Sukmajaya berdasarkan persepsi petugas Puskesmas dan Masyarakat dengan menggunakan enam dimensi quality, quantity, timeliness, need for supervision, cost effectiveness, interpersonal impact, dan kendala yang dihadapi oleh petugas administrasi dalam peningkatan kinerja. Enam dimensi tersebut dibahas dengan menggunakan konsep umpan balik 360 derajat. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif (positivist) dengan desain deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan persepsi petugas puskesmas dan masyarakat kinerja petugas administrasi sudah dinilai baik namun masih perlu diperbaiki di dimensi cost effectiveness. Walaupun sudah berjalan baik tapi masih ada beberapa hal yang harus ditingkatkan, yaitu : perlu adanya pelatihan kearsipan untuk petugas administrasi; perlu adanya penambahan jumlah sumber daya manusia di lingkungan petugas administrasi; perlu adanya peningkatan koordinasi antar petugas administrasi dalam menyelesaikan administrasi pelaporannya; perlu adanya sistem baru yang berbasis komputer pada petugas loket administrasi pendaftaran.
This research observed Sukmajaya Depok Town Central Health?s administration officer performance based on Central Health officer and public?s perception using six dimensions: quality, quantity, timeliness, need for supervision, cost effectiveness, interpersonal impact, and obstacles that were faced by administration officers in improving performance. The six dimensions are described by using 360 degree feedback concept. This research is positivist research with descriptive design.The research result based on Central Health officer and public?s perception showed administration performance had been well valued but they stil needed to improve in cost effectiveness dimention. Although it has run well but there were several things that should be improved, such as: the need of archives trainings for administration officer, the need of number increasing human resource in administration officer, the need of creasing good coordination especially in administration officer to handle the administration report; the need of new computerize system for counter registration administration officer.