Skripsi ini menjelaskan mengenai proses tranformasi politik Gerakan Aceh Merdeka menjadi Partai Aceh dari pasca perundingan Helsinki hingga Pemilu Legislatif 2009 Kemarin. Setelah perjanjian damai Republik Indonesia dan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka di tanda-tangani diHelsinki, Finlandia, 15 Agustus 2005. Aceh memasuki sejarah politik baru perjanjian ini relatif berhasil karena kesepakatan ?win-win solution?. GAM berhenti mengangkat senjata dan berjuang lewat jalur politik demokratis sementara Pemerintah Indonesia mendapat jaminan gagasan memisahkan diri tak lagi muncul dari provinsi paling barat indonesia itu. Peralihan GAM dari gerakan gerilya bersenjata ke dunia politik elektoral telah dipenuhi pihak GAM dengan membentuk partai politik Lokal di Aceh yang di beri nama Partai Aceh.
This minor thesis explore the political transformation of The Aceh Freedom Movement Process into the Aceh Party from Helsinki Agreement until Legislative Election 2009. After the peace agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and The Aceh Freedom Movement signed in Helsinki, Finland at 15th August 2005. Aceh enter the new historical politics because this agreement relatively successful because of win-win solution. GAM stopped the weapons and fight for their aims through democratic political gain while the Indonesian government got guarantee that separatist ideas is no longer come from the mostwestern province in Indonesia. The transition of GAM from armed geurrilla movement into electoral politic has been fullfil with the established local political in Aceh namely The Aceh Party.