Menentukan pilihan pendamping hidup, membuat keputusan dalam menentukan jumlah dan jarak kelahiran anak, belum menikmati hubungan seks yang nyaman, serta belum mempunyai kebebasan berpikir dan membuat keputusan dalam mencari bantuan kesehatan. Namun demikian, penelitian ini juga mengungkapkan bahwa sepanjang masa kehamilannya perempuan banyak mendapat dukungan dari keluarga. Implikasi keperawatan dari penelitian ini berupa informasi yang bermanfaat untuk perkembangan pelayanan keperawatan maternitas terutama pelayanan preventif dan promotif terhadap dampak tidak terpenuhinya hak reproduksi.
Maternal Mortality Rate is one of the indicators of reproductive rights improvement. Particularly, the women rights to get health care services on the pregnancy and pospartal period. The aim of the study was to explore the women?s experiences in accomplishing their reproductive rights during the pregnancy and postpartal period.
Participants were selected by purposive method. The participants were eight women who were pregnant and postpartal experience in Arjasa District, Jember. The data were collected through in depth interview, and completed with field notes. The interviewed data were recorded and converted into a transcript data. The data were analyzed by formulating the keywords of the participant?s statements. Subsequently, the keywords organized into themes. This
result demonstrated that the women were not obtaining several rights namely: the right to choose their spouse, to decide reproductive life planning, to have an enjoyable sex, and to make a decision to seek medical attention. However, the women accepted much support from their family during their pregnancy period. The nursing implication is the research provides useful information to the maternity nursing
practice, precisely on the promotive and preventive nursing care delivery to overcome the impact inadequate women reproductive rights improvement.