Latarbelakang : Kebanyakan ibu primipara mempunyai masalah nyeri dan cemas pada waktu melahirkan, sehingga petugas kesehatan mencari terapi alternatif untuk mengatasi nyeri dan cemas persalinan. Aromaterapi telah dilakukan untuk pasien dirawat di rumah sakit khususnya nyeri persalinan. Aromaterapi juga dipakai untuk relaksasi pada pasien cemas. Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi hubungan factor‐faktor demografi dengan nyeri and cemas persalinan, membandingkan pre‐test nyeri and cemas persalinan antara kelompok control dan eksperimen, membandingkan pre dan post test dalam kelompok control dan eksperimen, dan membandingkan selisih pre‐post test antara kelompok control dan eksperimen. Metode : Design quasi‐eksperimen dua group dilakukan di penelitian ini. Jumlah sampel 54 ibu primipara direkruit dirumah sakit Margono Soekarjo dan klinik bersalin di Purwokerto. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan korelasi, pair t‐test, dan independent t‐test. Hasil : Umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan dan lama di ruang bersalin berhungan secara signifikan dengan nyeri diukur dengan VAS dan FPRS dan cemas persalinan kala I. Hasil pre‐test nyeri dan cemas persalinan antara kelompok control dan eksperimen tidak berbeda signifikan (p>0.05). Hasil pre dan posttest nyeri dan cemas persainan dalam kelompok control berbeda signifikan (p<0.05). Hasil pre dan posttest nyeri dan cemas persainan dalam kelompok eksperimen berbeda signifikan (p<0.05). Hasil selisih pre post test nyeri dan cemas persalinan antara kelompok control dan eksperimen berbeda signifikan. Kesimpulan : Aromaterapi efektif dapat digunakan mengatasi nyeri dan cemas persalinan kala I. Faktor‐faktor demografi: umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, lama di ruang bersalin dapat mempengaruhi nyeri dan cemas persalinan.
Background : Most of the first delivery mothers face labor pain and anxiety, so health providers explore adjunctive therapies in order to alleviate labor pain and anxiety. Aromatherapy has been applied in hospitalized patients with psychological problems in particular labor pain. Aromatherapy also was used for relaxation in patients with anxiety. Objective : This study aimed to evaluate relationship related factors with labor pain and anxiety, compare pre‐test of labor pain and anxiety between control and experimental group, compare pre‐test and post‐test of labor pain and anxiety within control and experimental group, and compare deviation of pre‐post test between control and experimental group. Method : Two‐group quasiexperimental design was employed in this study. 54 subjects were recruited in Margono Soekarjo hospital and labor clinics in Purwokerto. Correlation, pair t‐test and independent t‐test were used for analysis the results. Result : Age, gender, education, and length of stay in health services were significant correlation with labor pain measured with VAS and FPRS and anxiety. Pre‐test of labor pain and anxiety between control and experimental group were not significantly different (p>0.05). Pre and posttest of labor pain and anxiety in control group were significantly different (p<0.05). Pre and posttest of labor pain and anxiety in experimental group were significantly different (p<0.05). Deviation of pre‐post test of labor pain and anxiety between control and experimental group was significantly different (p<0.05). Conclusion : Aromatherapy was effective to overcome labor pain and anxiety in the first labor phase. Related factors such as age, gender, education, and length of stay in hospital could affect on labor pain and anxiety.