Skripsi ini membahas bagaimana penerapan standar kompetensi melalui assessment center dalam mendapatkan calon kandidat untuk menduduki jabatan struktural Kakanwil di lingkungan BKKBN. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa untuk kedepannya assessment center dapat dipakai untuk pengangkatan eselon I, eselon II, dan eselon III secara menyeluruh; Diharapkan agar penerapan standar kompetensi melalui assessment center dapat terus dipergunakan dan diperbaharui penggunaannya di lingkungan BKKBN.
The focus of this Skripsi study is how applying of interest standard through assessment center in getting candidate to occupy structural position of Kakanwil in environment of BKKBN. This Research is research qualitative with descriptive desain. Research result suggest that to the fore him of assessment center can wear for the lifting of echelon I, echelon II, and echelon III by totally; Expected interest to standard applying pass from assessment center methods can continue to be utilized and innovated or up to date its use in environment of BKKBN.