Tesis ini membahas peranan sektor irigasi dalam perekonomian Indonesia dengan menggunakan metode analisis input-output. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa sektor irigasi memiliki peranan yang penting terhadap perekonomian Indonesia. Berdasarkan simulasi kebijakan penutupan sektor irigasi dan perubahan investasi, sektor-sektor hulu dan hilir sektor irigasi mengalami penurunan indeks keterkaitan ke belakang dan indeks keterkaitan ke depan serta penurunan output, nilai tambah bruto dan tenaga kerja.
This thesis discusses the role of irrigation sector in the economy using inputoutput analysis. Results of research concluded that irrigation sector has an important role to the economy of Indonesia. Based on the simulation of the closure policy and changes in irrigation sector investment, the upstream and downstream sectors of irrigation sector has decreased the backward and forward linkage index as well as a decrease in output, value added and gross labor.