Skripsi ini membahas gambaran kasus menopause osteoporosis di MTIE FK UI tahun 2006-2008. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif, menggunakan desain studi serial kasus. Hasil penelitian ini total kasus 98, kasus terbanyak di tahun 2006 (54,08%) dan bertempat tinggal di Jakarata Selatan (25,23%). Mean umur 65,90 tahun, median 65,5 tahun; modus 63 tahun. Mean paritas 4,33; median 4; modus 4. Proporsi riwayat konsumsi pil KB 44,44%; sudah menopause 94,90%; lama menopause >10 tahun 79,57%; tidak berolahraga 68,18%; memiliki riwayat penyakit kronis 28,57%. Perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk melihat hubungan kausal antara kejadian menopause osteoporosis dengan faktor-faktorrisiko tersebut.
This thesis explains about description of Menopause Osteoporosis at Makmal Terpadu Imunoendokrinologi of Medical Faculty University of Indonesia in 2006- 2008. This is descriptive research with case series study. The result of this research are total cases 98, most case found in 2006 (54.08%) and in South Jakarta (25.23%). Mean of age is 65.90 years old; median is 65.5 years old; mode is 63 years old. Mean of parity is 4.33; median is 4; mode is 4. Proportion of oral contraception consumption history is 44.44%; having menopause 94.90%; having menopause more than 10 years is 79.57%; not doing exercise 68.18%; having history of chronic disease 28.57%. Therefore, further research must b e done to see the causal association of menopause osteoporosis with those risk factors.