Latar Belakang: p73, homolog p53, diketahui memiliki kemampuan serupa dalam menekan pertumbuhan tumor. Protein p73 diekspresikan dalam berbagai level pada sel kanker dan jaringan normal yang berbeda. Belum diketahui bagaimana pola ekspresi protein p73 pada KSSRM dan pada jaringan mukosa mulut normal.
Tujuan: Mengetahui profil protein p73 pada KSSRM tipe mutant p53 dan jaringan mukosa mulut normal berdasarkan berat molekul protein.
Metode: Ekstrak protein dari HSC-3 dan HSC-4 serta jaringan mukosa normal dianalisa dengan teknik SDS PAGE untuk mendeteksi protein p73 berdasarkan
berat molekulnya.
Hasil:. pita protein p73 pada HSC-3 lebih tebal daripada HSC- 4. Terdapat variasi profil protein p73 pada mukosa mulut normal dengan pita protein tebal (8/17) dan sedang (5/17).
Simpulan: Terdapat perbedaan profil protein p73 antara HSC-3 dan HSC-4 berkaitan dengan tingkat protein p53 dan SNP pada kodon 72. Kebanyakan sampel jaringan mukosa memperlihatkan ketebalan pita protein p73 yang cukup tinggi.
Backround: p73, the homolog of p53, has a similar ability in tumor suppression. p73 protein expressed at a different level in various cancer cells and normal tissues. Profile of p73 protein in mutant p53 OSCC cell line and normal human oral mucosa have not been known.Objectives: To observe p73 protein profile in mutant p53 OSCC cell lines and normal human oral mucosa.Methods: The extracted protein of HSC-3 and HSC-4 cell lines and normal mucosal tissues were analyzed with SDS PAGE to detect p73 protein based on the molecular weight.Results:. The band of p73 protein in HSC-3 shows a higher density compared to its density of HSC-4. A thick p73 protein band was shown on 8/17 of normal mucosal tissues while medium level of p73 protein band was shown on 5/17.Conclusion: The protein profile between HSC-3 and HSC-4 were different related with p53 protein and SNP on codon 72 of each samples. Most of mucosal tissues shows a quite high density of p73 protein bands.