Skripsi ini membahas sikap murid sekolah dasar terhadap layanan Perpustakaan Keliling PemKot Depok, di Kecamatan Cimanggis apakah positif atau negatif. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 130 murid. Teknik pengampilan sampel, yaitu cluster atau wilayah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya sikap murid yang cenderung positif terhadap layanan perpustakaan. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari sikap yang cenderung positif terhadap waktu dan tempat layanan, koleksi dan jenis layanan, sedangkan sikap murid terhadap petugas adalah positif.
The Purpose of thesis is discussing about student attitudes toward mobile library services for elementary schools in Depok, Cimanggis district whethere positive or negative. The research is based on quantitative research with description design. Sample has been taken for 130 students. Technique of withdrawing sample for this research is cluster/ region.The result of research has indicated that there is more likely to positive attitudes toward library services. The matters can be seen from attitudes toward time and place schedule, books collection and type of mobile library service. Meanwhile positive attitudes attitudes from students toward library staffs.