Tesis ini membahas tentang Penentuan Status Beneficial Owner untuk mencegah penyalahgunaan Persetujuan Penghindaran Pajak Berganda (P3B). Penulisan difokuskan pada bagaimana menerapkan peraturan pajak domestik Indonesia dalam menentukan status beneficial owner. Juga bagaimana menerapkan ketentuan dalam P3B terkait dengan penentuan status beneficial owner. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif. Disimpulkan bahwa penentuan status beneficial owner harus diletakkan dalam konteks pencegahan penyalahgunaan P3B atau treaty abuse. Apabila terjadi penyalahgunaan terhadap fasilitas yang diberikan dalam P3B terkait dengan penentuan status beneficial owner, terdapat dasar untuk tidak memberikan treaty benefit. Dengan demikian treaty benefit tidak boleh dinikmati oleh Wajib Pajak yang tidak berhak karena bertentangan dengan maksud dan tujuan dari tax treaty.
This thesis describes the determination of beneficial owner to prevent the abuse of tax treaty between contracting state. The writing is focused on how to apply the Indonesian domestic tax rules in determining the status of the beneficial owner. Also how to apply the provisions of the tax treaty in associated with determining the status of beneficial owner. This research is descriptive research. It can be concluded that determining the status of the beneficial owner must be placed in the context of abuse prevention of tax treaty. If there is abuse of the facilities provided in tax treaty associated with determining the status of the beneficial owner, the treaty benefit could not be provided to foreign tax payers. Thus the treaty benefits should not be enjoyed by the taxpayer who is not entitled because contrary to the intent and purpose of the tax treaty.