Aktivitas marketing organisasi non profit di Indonesia tidak sepenuhnya efektif dalam peningkatan penggalangan dana. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menggambarkan pengaruh keefektifan marketing appeals (self & other benefit appeal) terhadap keinginan berdonasi dalam kondisi accountability (public & private) dan public self-awareness (high & low). Penelitian ini berbentuk sebuah penelitian eksperimental research design dengan menggunakan Analisis Statistik Deskriptif terhadap 158 orang mahasiswa MMUI sebagai partisipan. Riset eksperimen ini merupakan riset penelitian dengan 2 studi (8 cell) yaitu riset penelitian studi 1 (public & private accountability) berbentuk 2x2 dan studi 2 (high & low self awareness) berbentuk 2x2. Temuan penelitian menyarankan agar para pemasar menempatkan message appeals disesuaikan dengan tipe appeals suatu organisasi nonprofit dalam segala kondisi yang berbeda.
The marketing activities of nonprofit organization in Indonesia have not fully represented the effective ways in developing fund-raising. General objective of this research is to examine the marketing appeals (self & other benefit appeal) effect in influencing donation intention in condition of accountability (public & private) and public self-awareness (high & low). This research used an experimental research design with Statistic Descriptive Analysis through 158 undergraduate student of MMUI as a participant. This experimental research consist of 2 studies (8 cell), this would require: 2x2 (4cell) of studi 1 (public & private accountability) and 2x2 (4cell) of studi 2 (high & low self awareness). The findings are suggesting that marketers should modify the marketing message appeal across conditions to match the appeal type of nonprofit organization.