Relation between Islam and politics in several cities in Indonesia show significant changes. If in the pas political identity which want to appear by moslem is emphasized with a vengeance, in reform with the implementation of regional autonomy, a number of cities with a population of Islam began to reveal their moslem identity collectively. It can be seen from a number of cities which demanding syariah formalization such as district Bireun (Aceh), Tangerang district (Banten), Indramayu district (West Java), Tasikmalaya (West Java), Bulukumba (South Celebes), to Bima (NTB) etc. Institusionalization pf political identity which was carried by pioneers moslems that range to the will of formalizing Islamic rules into the public space. However, if we make a categorization about syariah Islam formalization, will soon be known that there are two opposing groups.