The potential of surface water supply in Cicatih-Cimandiri watershed is apparent as river flows along the year and catered from abundant spring waters. This potential water resources e used for various uses of deomestic, industry municipal, and agriculture. Increasing water requirements in the area in the last decade, with growing bottled water industries , water supply needs to be calculated more accurately. To determine river flow discharge, an AWLR (automatic water level recorder) was installed at one of the tributory, Cibojong, based on scoring analysis, there are two parameters (density of drainage network and maximum stream order) that have significant influence to surface water supply. Results of analysis indicated that proportions of the two parameters contributing to river discharge were balanced. To optimize water allocation, irrigation scheduling schemes was exercised to support existing rice field practices. Beside that, total water supply for 15 sub-districts in Cicatih-Cimandiri watershed ranges from 69.637 MCM to 336.177 MCM in dry season and ranges about double in west season. Total irrigated rice area in the 15 sub-districts was about 15.093 ha (BPS Survey , 2007) therefore the potential water supply would be sufficient to support three rice planting seasons.