Tesis ini menuangkan hasil penelitian penulis mengenai preferensi tenaga personal selling PT XYZ terhadap elemen kontes penjualan yang terdiri atas tujuan kontes, jumlah potensial pemenang, jenis hadiah, nilai hadiah, dan durasi kontes. Dengan uji statistik konjoin, diketahui bahwa urutan evaluasi elemen oleh tenaga personal selling PT XYZ secara berturut-turut adalah jumlah potensial pemenang, durasi kontes, nilai hadiah, jenis hadiah, dan terakhir tujuan kontes. Tenaga personal selling PT XYZ lebih menyukai kontes penjualan dimana tidak terdapat maksimum jumlah pemenang selama target tercapai, durasi kontes selama 6 bulan dibanding 3 bulan, hadiah kontes berupa uang dibanding barang elektronik, nilai hadiah lebih dari 1/3 hingga1/2 kali gaji bulanan dibanding 1/4 hinga 1/3 kali gaji bulanan, dan tujuan kontes penjualan berupa angka penjualan dan usaha yang ditunjukkan dibanding angka penjualan saja. Preferensi tersebut tidak sama dengan preferensi dari responden tenaga personal selling yang berasal dari perusahaan pasar industrial yang lainnya. Dengan uji cross tabulation dan uji chi square diketahui pula adanya hubungan antara jenis kelamin tenaga personal selling pasar industrial dengan pilihan elemen kontes jumlah potensial pemenang.
This thesis focuses on research result done by writer about preference of personal selling force in PT XYZ on selling contest element which are contest goal, number of potential winner, type of reward, value of reward, and duration of contest. By means of conjoint analysis, it is known that personal selling force of PT XYZ evaluate elements in the following order: number of potential winner, duration of contest, value of reward, type of reward, and lastly, contest goal. PT XYZ?s personal selling force prefer selling contest where there are no limitation in number of potential winner as long as certain sales target is achieved, contest duration of 6 months compared to 3 months, money compared to electronic merchandise as type of reward, value of reward as much as more than 1/3 to 1/2 of monthly salary compare to those of 1/4 to 1/3 monthly salary, and contest goal in form of sales number and effort shown compared to those of sales number alone. Such preference is different from those of other company from industrial market. By means of cross tabulation, it is known that there are association between gender of personal seller and their preference toward number of potensial winner in a sales contest.