Dokumentasi keperawatan merupakan indikator mutu asuhan keperawatan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan supervisi dengan pendokumentasian berbasis komputer yang dipersepsikan perawat pelaksana di RSUD Banyumas. Jenis penelitian ini kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian perawat pelaksana sebanyak 70 orang. Instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan antara supervisi dengan pendokumentasian berbasis komputer dengan p=0,003, ada hubungan antara lama kerja dengan pendokumentasian berbasis komputer dengan p= 0,007. Frekuensi supervisi merupakan variabel yang paling berhubungan dengan pendokumentasian proses keperawatan (p=0,001).
Nursing documentation is the indicator of nursing care quality. Supervision could affect the increasing of nursing service quality. The aim of this research was to know the correlation between supervision and computer based nursing documentation asssumed by the nurses in in-patient ward at Banyumas General Hospital. The research was designed by using quantitave method with cross sectional approach. The samples were 70 respondents. The instrument used was questionnaire.
The result showed that there is correlation between supervision and computer based documentation of nursing process (p= 0,003), there is correlation between the lenght of work and computer based documentation of nursing process (p= 0,007). The closest relationship variable toward the documentation of nursing process was the frequnecy of supervision (p=0,001).