Skripsi ini membahas mengenai proses pengolahan rekaman video di Library News RCTI dari proses pengadaan, proses ingest , entri data, hingga pemberian label dan berlanj ut ke proses penyimpanan kaset rekaman video. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain Studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa pengolahan rekaman video perlu diperbaiki dalam hal proses deksripsi bibliografi terhadap rekaman video. Penambahan jumlah petugas pengindeks dan pemahaman akan kesepakatan subjek yang ditentukan dalam pengindeksan agar kinerja Library News RCTI dapat mengimbangi kinerja redaksi pemberitaan RCTI.
This essay discusses the organizing process of video recording at RCTI_s Library News, starts from supplying process, ingest process, data entry, labelling and video recording storage process. This is a qualitative research with case study design. The research suggest that the organizing process of video recording need to be repaired in case of bibliography decriptions toward video recording. The added of indexing officer and the understanding of agreement subject which is determined at indexing process are intended for equalizing the performance of RCTI_s Library News and RCTI_s editorial news.