Telah dilalculcan penelitian tentang pengaruh air
dalam granulat tablet terhadapbeberapa sifat karaicteristik
tablet Metampiron. Evaluasi dilakulcd.n selarna 12 minggu terhadap
pengaruh penyimpanan/wadah padalima macam produk
tablet Metampiron.
Dari lima produic tablet Metarnpiron dengan berbagal Ica
dar air pada granulat tablet, setelah diteliti menunjukkan
tidak adanya )corelasi antara kadar air dalam granul dengan
kekerasan tablet, keregasan tablet, dan waktu hancur tablet.
Tablet Metampiron yang diperoleh dari produk .1, II,
III, dan V mempunyai mutu dan stabilita yang lebih bait dibandingkan
dengan prôthik IV.
Radar air bukan merupakan fal
Metampiron yang cami buat.
Cara-cara penyimpanan dan wa}tu penyimpanan berpengaruh
terhadap stabilita fisik tablet Metampiron (kecerasan, wak
tu hancur, Iceregasan, kadar air ).
Selama penyimpanan tablet Metampiron mudah berubahah warna
dari putih Ice }uning pucat. terutamapada wadah tebuIca.
The influence of water content to several characteristicproperties in tablet granulation of Metampiron tablethas been investigated. The evaluation was done for 12 weeksto figure out the influences of storaging 5 products of Me -tampiron tablet which had been made.Five products of Metampiron tablets made from tabletgranulation which content various water, showed no correla--tion between water content in granulation with hardness,friability, and desintegration of tablet.It means the water content is not the important factorin formulation of Metampiron tablet.Metampiron tablets obtained from product I, II, III, and Vhave better quality and stability than product IVStorage way and storage time influence against physicalstability of Metampiron tablet ( hardness, desintegration,friability, water content ).The colour of Metampiron tablet is easy to change from whiteto yellowish during strorage specially in exposed container.