SCADA ( Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition ) adalah suatu sistem yang menyediakan kemampuan akuisisi data dan kontrol untuk keperluan industri ketenaga listrikan yang meliputi pembangkitan , transmisi dan distribusi. Sistem SCADA yang diaplikasikan dalam bidang distribusi tenaga listrik dirancang untuk memantau aktifitas listrik pada gardu listrik sehingga kondisi jaringan tenaga listrik dapat dimonitor secara real time. Selain fungsi tersebut dengan system SCADA juga berfungsi untuk melakukan perintah Remote Control ( RC ) buka / tutup suatu LBS/CB, telesignal dan telematering.
SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) was some system that provided the acquisition capacity of the data and the control for the need of the industry electric that covered the generation, the transmission and the distribution. The SCADA system that was applied in the distribution field of the electricity power was drafted to monitor the activity of electricity to the electricity relay station so as the condition for the network of the electricity power could be monitored in a real manner time. Apart from this function with system SCADA also had a function of carrying out the order Remote Control (RC) was opened/was closed at some of LBS/CB, tele signal and tele matering.