Sistem kerja yang tidak ergonomis dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya risiko cidera yang cukup besar bagi para pekerja. Sistem kerja yang kurang memperhatikan aspek ergonomi dapat menimbulkan gangguan musculoskeletal dan berakibat pada menurunnya produktivitas kerja. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penulis mencoba menganalisis suatu sistem kerja dengan menggunakan software Jack 6.1 dan Vicon motion capture, dimana pada software Jack terdapat piranti analisis berupa Task Analysis Toolkit (TAT) antara lain Low Back Analysis (LBA), Static Strength Prediction (SSP), Rapid Upper Limb Assesment (RULA), Ovako Working Posture Analysis (OWAS). Hasil Penelitian berupa rekomendasi sistem kerja yang ergonomis yang dapat mengurangi risiko gangguan musculoskeletal dan meningkatkan produktivitas pekerja.
The work system if not ergonomic can result in a substantial risk of injury to workers. The working system that pays little attention to aspects of ergonomics can cause interference musculoskeltal and lower labor productivity. Based on that problem the author tries to analyze a work system using Jack software 6.1 and Vicon motion capture, where in the Jack software have the tools to analysis,such as Low Back Analysis (LBA), Static Strength Prediction (SSP), Rapid Upper Limb Assesment (RULA), and Ovako Working Posture Analysis (OWAS). the Results of this Research is a form of recommendations ergonomic work system that can reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and improving worker productivity.