This research observes a correlation of two variables, verbal reasoning skill as an independent variable and pro¬blem solving skill on storical arithmetic as a dependent variable. By observing the correlation of those two varia¬bles, the influence of one variable to the other one and tendencies coming up from responding concerning to those two skills can be found. Method used in this research is ex post facto methode as the variables being observed have happened before without researcher's manipulation.
This research is conducted in Tegal Regency, Central Java. Samples are taken from more or less fourteen years old students who have been experiencing with early formal opera¬tion of cognitive growth stage. Sampling technique used ie multistage sampling for 120 respondents. Data analysis tech¬nique used is quantitative by using two kinds of statistic, descriptive and analitical statistic.
The results of this research shows that there is a positive correlation between X variable and Y variable with significant correlation of 0,730. Significant test to the influence of X variable to Y variable using linier regressi¬on also shows that there is a significant influence, that is on the 0,05 significant value, t-student test shows that (11,583) is greater than ttable (1,645). Besides those, it is also known that either verbal reasoning skill or problem solving skill on storical arithmetic are low. The comprehen¬sion to sentence structure and the way how to make conclusi¬on generally have not been mastered well. Tendencies in making conclusion is done by combining the stated premises. In general, the respondents experience difficulties in solving the storical arithmetic problems. This problem is caused by the language comprehension and arithmetical problem itself.