Tesis ini membahas peran dan tanggungjawab notaris sebagai satu-satu pejabat publik yang diberikan kewenangan oleh undang-undang membuatkan akta merger dan melakukan pengurusan pengesahan anggaran dasar pelaku usaha berbentuk perseroan bila terjadi perubahan anggaran dasar akibat merger menurut hukum persaingan usaha. Terutama menyangkut kewajiban pemberitahuan dan konsultasi terhadap merger yang telah memenuhi threshold wajib lapor.
The thesis discusses about the roles and responsibilities of public notary in their position as the only public official who are given the mandate by law to develop merger act and manage the legalization of article of association of business entities in the form of perseroan should a change of article of association due to the merger based on business competition law. The obligation to report and consult regarding the merger that has fulfill the threshold will be highlighted in this thesis.