Peran Humas yang ideal akan mendukung organisasi dalam mencapai tujuan dan keberhasilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat sejauh mana Humas di Bank Tabungan Negara telah menerapkan prinsip-prinsip Excellence Communication yang dikembangkan oleh James Grunig di dalam Excellence Theory. Excellence Communication memiliki tiga bulatan (sphere) yang saling berkaitan antara lain Knowledge Core, Shared Expectation, dan Participative Culture.
Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma post positivisme, pendekatan kualitatif, dan bersifat deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan untuk penelitian adalah wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipan, studi dokumentasi, dan studi literatur.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Excellence Communication sudah diterapkan di BTN. Namun penerapannya belum memenuhi kriteria Grunig sepenuhnya karena komunikasi organisasi masih asimetris dan posisi Humas yang tidak memiliki akses langsung kepada pimpinan sehingga tidak terlibat dalam rapat pembuatan keputusan bersama direksi. Hasil ini dipengaruhi oleh penerapan Excellence Communication yang disesuaikan dengan konteks perbankan dan budaya organisasi di Indonesia.
Ideal public relations role advocate organization in achieving its goal. This paper explains up to what extent public relations of Bank Tabungan Negara have applied the Principal of Excellence Communication attributed to James Grunig in The Excellence Theory. Excellence Communication has three interrelated spheres. These spheres are Knowledge Core, Shared Expectation and Participative Culture. This research is a descriptive research processed in a qualitative way and exerts post positivism paradigm. Data collection method used in this study are in-depth interview, participant observation, and study of documentation and literature.The result of this paper shows that Excellence Communication has been applied in Bank Tabungan Negara. Nevertheless, it has not fully met the criteria of Grunig because the communication of organization of Bank Tabungan negara is still asimetric and its public relations that has no direct access to the chairman of organization can not be engaged in the decision making meeting. The results are affected by the implementation of Excellence Communication which should be adjusted to the context of the banking and organization culture of Indonesia.