Kondisi ekonomi yang baik dan adanya peluang pasar membuat para pelaku industri ritel gencar melakukan ekspansi usaha. Hal ini juga dilakukan PT. Hero Supermarket dengan menambah gerai semua format bisnisnya. Karya tulis ini bertujuan menganalisis kesesuaian strategi yang dijalankan PT. Hero Supermarket terhadap lingkungan internal dan eksternalnya, memberikan gambaran kinerja keuangan perusahaan periode 2006 - 2010, dan melakukan valuasi terhadap saham PT. Hero Supermarket, Tbk. Valuasi yang dilakukan dengan metode free cash flow to equity memberikan hasil nilai intrinsik per unit saham sebesar Rp. 5,291 - Rp. 6,985 sedangkan valuasi menggunakan relative valuation dengan PER sebagai pembanding memberikan hasil dengan rentang nilai Rp. 5,532 - Rp. 5,857. Harga saham Hero per 17 Juni 2011 berada pada level Rp 5.300.
Good economic conditions and the existence of market opportunities make the players of the retail industry continue to expand their business. This is also done by PT. Hero Supermarket who's increasing the number of its outlets for all its business formats. The purpose of this thesis are to analyze the suitability of PT. Hero Supermarket's strategy based on internal and external environment conditions, to give the analysis of company financial performance for period of 2006 - 2010, and to conduct stock valuation. Valuation is done by using free cash flow to equity method and gave the intrinsic value ranges from IDR 5,291 - IDR 6,985 while the valuation using relative valuation gave the intrinsic value ranges from IDR 5,532 - IDR 5.857. Hero's stock price per June 17, 2011 was at the level of IDR 5,300.