Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui perbedaan respons nyeri bayi yang diimunisasi setelah diberikan intervensi pemberian ASI, larutan gula dan tidak diberikan keduanya. Desain penelitian ini adalah quasi experiment dengan postes kelompok-kontrol nonekuivalen (after only nonequivalent control group design). Sampel berjumlah 105 responden yang terbagi kedalam tiga kelompok. Kelompok pertama diberikan intervensi pemberian ASI, kedua diberikan larutan gula 24% dan ketiga sebagai kontrol. Intervensi diberikan mulai dua menit sebelum sampai lima menit setelah tindakan imunisasi. Pengukuran respons nyeri dilakukan dengan menggunakan skala perilaku FLACC (Face, Leg, Activity, Cry and Consolability). Hasil dari penelitian ini, terdapat perbedaan respons nyeri yang bermakna antara ketiga kelompok tersebut, dimana respons nyeri pada kelompok yang diberikan ASI lebih rendah dibandingkan dua kelompok yang lain.
Undergoes immunization among infant who had of breastfeeding, orally administered sugar solution, and control group. Quasi experiment using an after only nonequivalent control group design was used in this study. 105 subjects are studied in this research, which divided into three groups. The subjects in the first group are breastfed, second group is orally 24 percent administered sugar solution, and third group is a control group. Breastfeeding and sugar solution were administered at two minutes before immunization and continued on five minutes after immunization. The intensity of pain were measured by a FLACC (Face, Leg, Activity, Cry and Consolability) behavioral scale in three times (minute 0, minute 1 and minute 5). Results of this study show that there were significantly different intensity of pain among those three groups, breastfeeding group has the lowest intensity of pain compare to other groups.