Tesis ini membahas pelaksanaan perbaikan gizi Balita di PTTP di Desa Kedawung tahun 2008. Disain penelitian adalah kualitatif dengan instrumen Pedoman wawancara mendalam dan FGD serta daftar observasi. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bentuk usaha perbaikan gizi Balita di Kebumen adalah pengintegrasian layanan usia dini berupa aspek kesehatan dan pendidikan yang tetap menekankan pada prinsip UKBM. Usaha perbaikan gizi kurang berhasil karena dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor seperti: rendahnya pendidikan, kurangnya pengetahuan dan status bekerja pada sebagian ibu Balita, kurang optimal upaya peningkatan pengetahuan ibu di PTTP dan perbedaan persepsi tentang keberadaan PTTP diantara internal sektor terkait. Disarankan untuk melanjutkan program ini dengan melakukan beberapa pembenahan terutama menyamakan persepsi lintas sektoral sebagai kunci pembuka penyelesaian masalah lain terkait perbaikan gizi.
The focus of this study is implementation on effort to betterment of nutrition for children under 5 years old at PTTP in Desa Kedawung, year 2008. This research is qualitative and fact finding was guided by indept interview and FGD?s guidance. The result of the research visualize that the form of effort to betterment of nutrition for children in Kebumen is an integration of service in early childhood as health aspect as well as education aspect which still emphasize on UKBM principle. The effort did not run well influenced by various factors such as low education, lack of knowlegde, working status of the majority mothers of children and less optimum effort in increasing knowledge of mothers and also there are different perceptions among linked sectors PTTP. The researcher suggested the action of equalizing perceptions between linked sectors is needed so all parties are able to function in roles applied to each particular sector in benefit to each PTTP to become fully community?s property for the people as the starting point to solve all of PTTP?s problems.