Penelitian mengenai pengaruh pencekokan infus daun sirih merah (Piper betle L. Var. Rubrum ) terhadap tingkah laku geliat mencit (Mus musculus L.) jantan galur DDY telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Biologi Perkembangan Departemen Biologi FMIPA UI pada bulan Maret--Mei 2011. Mencit dikelompokkan menjadi 5 kelompok KK- sebagai kelompok kontrol negatif, yang hanya diberikan akuades. KK+ sebagai kelompok kontrol positif yang diberikan aspirin 65 mg/kg b.b. sebagai pembanding, serta KE1, KE2, dan KE3 sebagai kelompok eksperimen yang diberi infus daun sirih merah dengan dosis berturut-turut 4%, 2%, dan 1%. Asam asetat 1% dosis 10 ml/kg b.b. disuntikan secara intraperitonialuntuk reaksi geliat pada mencit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa infus daun sirih merah dapat mengurangi rasa sakit pada mencit dengan dosis terbaik 4%.
The Research on: The Effect of Infusion red betle Leaf (Piper betle L. Var. Rubrum) in writhing behaviour of mice (Mus musculus L.) males strain DDY. Has been conducted in laboratory of Developmental Biology, Departement of Biology, Faculty of Mathematic and Sciences, University of Indonesia on months March--May. Mice were divided into 5 groups, KK- as a negative control group which was given only Destilled water. KK+ as a positive control group given 65 mg/kg per weights as a comperative group. Groups KE1, KE2, KE3 are the experimental group which were given red betle leaf infusion in doses 4%, 2%, and 1%. Acetic acid 1% was injected intraperionally 10 ml/kg per weights to induced reaction in mice. The results showed that infussion of red betle leaf can reduce writhing behaviour causes of pain in mice, and the best dose is 4%.