Tujuan penelitian adalah menggambarkan pengaruh faktor karakteristik lansia, persepsi tentang ancaman keseriusan penyakit dan petunjuk untuk bertindak dalam perawatan hipertensi di wilayah Puskesmas Srondol Semarang. Desain penelitian adalah descriptive correlational dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel 86 lansia. Analisis data dengan uji Chi-Square (α < 0,05).
Hasil penelitian adalah ada pengaruh antara umur, status tinggal, biaya pengobatan, pengetahuan hipertensi, dampak fisiologis, dan dukungan lingkungan. Pengetahuan merupakan faktor yang paling berhubungan terhadap kepatuhan lansia. Faktor yang paling mempengaruhi kepatuhan dalam perawatan hipertensi adalah biaya pengobatan. Perawat komunitas diharapkan untuk melibatkkan lansia dan keluarga di rumah, supaya dapat melakukan perawatan secara mandiri.
The research objective is to describe the influence of factors characteristic of the elderly, perceptions about the seriousness of the threat of disease and guide to action in the treatment of hypertension in the region Srondol Semarang Health Center. The study design was descriptive correlation cross-sectional approach. Sample was 86 of elderly. The data analysis by Chi-Square test (α <0.05). The results were no effects of age, residency status, medical expenses, knowledge of hypertension, physiological effects, and environmental support. Knowledge was the factor most related to adherence elderly. The most determinant factor was the compliance in the treatment of hypertension was the cost of treatment. Community nurses are expected to involve elderly and families at home, in order to perform maintenance on their own.