Kecemasan dan ketidakmandirian merupakan reaksi yang sering terjadi pada anak selama hospitalisasi dan berakibat penurunan kondisi, lamanya adaptasi, serta gangguan perkembangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh therapeutic-peer-play terhadap kecemasan dan kemandirian anak usia sekolah yang dirawat. Rancangan quasy-experiment, pre-test post-test control-group design, sampel masing-masing 33 pada kelompok intervensi dan kontrol. Analisis data dengan paired t-test.
Hasil menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan (pvalue= 0,000) terhadap kecemasan {sebesar 11,09 pada intervensi dan 3,73 pada kontrol (66%); dari cemas sedang menjadi cemas ringan}; dan berpengaruh signifikan (p-value=0,000) terhadap kemandirian {sebesar 7,85 pada intervensi dan 2,58 pada kontrol (67%); dari tidak mandiri menjadi mandiri}. Mengingat therapeutic-peer-play berpengaruh terhadap kecemasan dan kemandirian, maka perlu peningkatan peran perawat terhadap upaya permainan terapeutik anak usia sekolah selama hospitalisasi.
Anxiety and the lack of self-reliance is a reaction that often occurs in children during hospitalization and resulted in a decrease of conditions, duration of adaptation, and developmental disorders. The purpose of this research was to identify the effect of therapeutic peer play to the levels of anxiety and self-reliance school-age children during the hospitalization. This research used quasy-experiment, pre-test, post-test, control-group design, and samples in each of the intervention and control groups were 33 people. The data analysis used paired t-test. From the data analysis, it has been recognized that there is a significant effect (p value: 0,000) to anxiety {11,09 in intervention and 3,73 in control (66%), from middle to low level of anxiety}; and also there is a significant effect (p value: 0,000) to self-reliance {7,85 in intervention and 2,58 in control (67%), from being not independent to being independent}. Considering therapeutic peer play has effect on anxiety and self-reliance, it is necessary to increase the role of nurses to create therapeutic peer play for school aged children during hospitalization.