Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian stimulasi auditorivisual-taktil-kinestetik terhadap perkembangan perilaku neonatus prematur di ruang perinatologi RSCM Jakarta. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian quasi experiment dengan disain one group pre and post test. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 18 responden. Hasil penelitian terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara perilaku neonatus prematur sebelum dan setelah diberi stimulasi (p = 0,0005).
Hasil seleksi bivariat menunjukkan bahwa usia gestasi, berat badan lahir dan jenis kelamin bukan merupakan faktor perancu pada perilaku neonatus prematur setelah diberi stimulasi. Hipotesis berupa adanya pengaruh pemberian stimulasi auditori-visual-taktil-kinestetik terhadap perkembangan perilaku neonatus prematur dapat dibuktikan dalam penelitian ini.
This thesis aims to investigate the influence of stimulation of auditory-visualtactile-kinesthetic to the behaviour development of premature neonate. This study is a quasi-experimental research with one group pre and post test design. The samples were 18 respondents. The results there are significant differences between the behavior of preterm neonates before and after a given stimulation (p = 0.0005). Bivariate selection results showed that gestational age, birth weight and gender is not a confounding factor in the premature neonate behavior after a given stimulation. The hypothesis of the existence of the effect of stimulation of auditory-visual-kinesthetic-tactile to the development of a premature neonate behavior could be demonstrated in this study.