Skripsi ini membahas hubungan antara atribut produk terhadap sikap konsumen produk sereal sarapan Nestle Fitnesse. Permasalahan penelitian ini diteliti dengan menggunakan konsep atribut produk, perilaku konsumen, Hierarchy of Effetcs dan sikap konsumen. Hipotesis penelitian adalah terdapat perbedaan hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara atribut produk terhadap sikap konsumen. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan bersifat eksplanatif.
Teknik penelitian menggunakan pre-experimental research Static Group Comparison. Sampel akan dipilih dengan purposive sampling. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 40 orang dan terbagi menjadi dua kelompok eksperimen. Kelompok 1 yaitu wanita yang tergabung ke dalam pusat kebugaran, dan kelompok eksperimen 2 yaitu wanita yang tidak bergabung ke dalam pusat kebugaran. Hipotesis penelitian terbukti dan sesuai.
This thesis examined the relationship between product attributes and consumer attitudes towards breakfast cereal product, Nestle Finesse. The key problems of this thesis are examined using product attribute, consumer behavior, Hierarchy of Effects, and consumer attitudes concepts. The researcher's hypothesized that there is a positive and significant relation between product attributes and consumer attitudes towards the brand. This research is using quantitative approach and a part of explanative research. The researcher was using pre-experimental research Static Group Comparison technique to gather data for this research. A total of 40 women were used as samples which were selected using purposive sampling method, consisted of two kinds of women, 20 women who were registered as fitness center's member (experimental group 1), and 20 women who were not (experimental group 2). The result of this research confirmed and proved the early hypothesis.