Tesis ini menganalisis praktik corporate governance pada organ-organ PT XYZ, yaitu berdasarkan independensi, aktivitas, size, dan kompetensinya, melalui pembagian kuesioner, wawancara, dan observasi. Hasil analisis, secara umum, Perseroan telah menerapkan prinsip-prinsip corporate governance. Hak-hak pemegang saham telah terpenuhi melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham. Namun, hak pemegang saham minoritas belum terlindungi secara efektif. Independensi, size, dan kompetensi dari dewan komisaris sudah mengakomodasi fungsi pengawasan. Komite audit telah memenuhi peraturan sebagai perusahaan public, dalam hal independensi dan size. Namun, komite audit belum bekerja secara efektif. Komposisi dan ukuran dari dewan direksi sudah mencukupi, namun pemahaman direksi mengenai prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance masih kurang.
This thesis analyzes corporate governance practices at PT XYZ?s organ, based on its independence, activities, size, and competence, through questionnaires distributions, interviews, and observations. The analysis results, generally, the Company organs have already applied corporate governance principles. The shareholders? rights have been fulfilled through General Meeting of Shareholders. However, the minority shareholders rights had not been protected effectively. Board of commissioners? independence, size, and competence already accommodates its monitoring function. The audit committee has fulfilled current regulation for public company, regarding its independence and size. However, the audit committee has not performed effectively. Board of directors? composition and size has already sufficient, but the directors still have less comprehension on Good Corporate Governance principles.