Dalam rangka pengamanan Pilkada NAD 2006 oleh Polda NAD, terjadi penyimpangan dalam pengategorisasian kriteria TPS, yaitu tidak mengacu pada kategoisasi yang lazim digunakan Polri. Hal ini melanggar MoU Helsinki, karena pelibatan polisi dalam pengamanan Pilkada NAD 2006 melebihi jumlah polisi yang diperbolehkan di NAD. Bahrumsyah selaku Kapolda NAD melakukan negosiasi dengan Peter Feid selaku perwakilan Uni Eropa dalam hal penggunaan siswa magang dalam pengamanan Pilkada NAD 2006. Selain itu Kapolda NAD menerapkan strategi mewujudkan Pilkada damai dengan membentuk Pokja Pilkada Damai, yang melibatkan unsur pemerintah dan elemen masyarakat, di samping melaksanakan operasi khusus kepolisian pengamanan Pilkada NAD 2006.
In the framework of safeguarding the electoral of NAD 2006 by the police, there was irregularity in polling stations criterion, it did not refer to the commonly categorization used by police. This violets the Helsinki MoU, because of the involvement of police in securing the NAD 2006 election exceeded the allowed number of police in Aceh. Bahrumsyah the chief of NAD Police Department, had decided to negotiate with Peter Feid as the EU representative in terms of the use police students interns in securing the election of NAD 2006. In addition he implemented strategies to realize peaceful elections by forming a working group of peace, which involved representatives of the government and elements of society, besides carrying out of special operation of safe guarding the NAD 2006 elections.