Tesis ini membahas reformasi birokrasi yang dilakukan oleh Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara (KPPN) Percontohan dalam upayanya meningkatkan pelayanan kepada pemangku kepentingan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian normatif dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka yang relevan dengan objek kajian. Bila dibandingkan dengan masa sebelum dilaksanakannya reformasi birokrasi, pelayanan KPPN pada saat ini lebih dapat memberikan kepuasan kepada pemangku kepentingan yang dilayaninya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penegakan standard operating procedure (SOP) dan profesionalitas SDM berpengaruh besar bagi keberhasilan reformasi birokrasi. Oleh karenanya disarankan untuk selalu melakukan monitoring pelaksanaan SOP oleh pegawai dan meningkatkan kompetensi para pegawai baik melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan maupun proses assessment.
This thesis discusses the bureaucratic reforms undertaken by a Pilot Office of the State Treasury Services (KPPN) in its efforts to improve services given to stakeholders. The thesis is a result of a research which is carried through a normative study, conducted by analyzing library materials relevant to the object of study. Compared to the period before the implementation of bureaucratic reform takes place, the services of KPPN at this time could give more satisfaction to its stakeholders. The result of this research showed that the enforcement of standard operating procedure (SOP) application and the professionalism of human resources have a great influence for the success of the bureaucratic reform. Therefore, it is recommended to continue monitoring the implementation of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) by the employees while at the same time enhancing the employees competence through education, training and assessment process as well.